Volunteer Abroad Blogs
Steph learns more about the daily lives and hardships of the young people that her charity supports.
As an English speaker volunteering in Peru, Steph steps up her Spanish game.
Volunteering abroad offers a privileged perspective of a country that travel on its own rarely does.
Despite continued incredulity from others, Vanessa insists on wandering the globe. Here's why.
How the small country of Ecuador is experimenting with innovative immigration policies.
In the countryside of Spain, Vanessa most unexpectedly finds her roots when she volunteers to housesit.
A trek through ancient paths provides Vanessa with some much-needed reflection.
Listen to your teenagers or listen to your gut? Mauricio explains why he's chosen the latter. 
Why Mauricio is breaking away from the norm and taking his three kids (age 3, 11 and 13) on the trip of a lifetime.
Vanessa puts away her cell phone and digs into permaculture on a volunteer placement in Spain.
Sometimes the universe gives you exactly what you need.
Learning Swahili while volunteering in East Africa serves not only a practical purpose, but also opens doors for new experiences. 
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