Rebecca Janacek

Rebecca Janacek

Becca is a Slovak Canadian doing an exchange semester at National Taiwan University in Taipei, where she is studying Biology and Mandarin Chinese. She is passionate about the environment and loves going on adventures!

Monday, 11 October 2021 05:20

The Fear of Returning Home

What if everything at home has changed? Or worse—what if it's stayed the same?
With my university classes finished, I was finally free to experience Taiwan on my own terms. But the transition period was not easy.
Thursday, 13 August 2020 07:20

Learning Mandarin as a Complete Beginner

Language learning is an ongoing process of trying, failing, reassessing and trying again. 
Saturday, 16 May 2020 13:21

Why I Chose to Study Abroad in Taiwan

I decided to study abroad in Taiwan—then the coronavirus pandemic hit. Here's how my semester abroad is unfolding so far.
As a biology student, I have always been fascinated by pandemics. But I never expected to live through one—especially while studying abroad.