
Looking for a conversational language course abroad? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge Magazine's Program Search.

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American Institute for Foreign Studies (AIFS) offers undergraduate students the opportunity to study abroad at a foreign university. With programs in Argentina, Australia, Austria, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, France, India, Ireland, Italy, ...

This programme allows students to elect up to 15 university credits in business and tourism each semester which they will combine with an internship in a Spanish firm to improve your Spanish in a professional as well as an academic setting. The University ...

Il Sillabo offers an internship programme aimed at students who are over 18 and would like to combine learning Italian with relevant work experience. An internship is the perfect way to make Italian friends and to understand the Italian culture and lifest ...

APF Languages programs permit students to learn Spanish regardless of their language level. Both beginners and advanced will profit the specially designed APF system. New courses start every week of the year without interruption. At the end of each course ...

For Canadian and other non-American participants, Centre for Cultural Interchange (CCI) arranges academic year high school, as well as a variety of programmes for students and adults wishing to live and/or work in the US for a short period of time. For Am ...

Alliance Française promote the use of French and the appreciation of cultures that share the French language in their common heritage. They have three centres in the Greater Toronto Area. Accredited by the Federal Government, it is the largest private Fre ...

Accademia del Giglio offers Italian language classes and courses on art and art history at their campus in Florence. The student is literally immersed in the artistic, historical and cultural heart of Florence, the so-called "cradle of the Renaissance", w ...

International House Study Abroad offers students an opportunity to learn a language along with the culture of the language. International House Study Abroad schools teach 16 languages - in 33 countries - in over 50 schools.

The Volunteer & Language programme is the ideal combination for those who want to immerse themselves in the culture and really get to know the people of the country they are visiting. The programme starts with a language course of 2 to 12 weeks, which is ...

Bordeaux Language School (BLS) offers 6 levels of French language instruction, from complete beginners to advanced as defined by the Council of Europe. All BLS teachers are qualified to teach French to foreign learners and have an excellent knowledge of F ...

Knowledge Exchange Institutes programmes are distinguished by subject-specific coursework, a large selection of courses in the English language (regardless of host country), internship placement, professional opportunities, extensive cultural excursions i ...

Mexico is one of the best countries to learn Spanish language. If you are planning on learning Spanish in Mexico, visit and see our list of programs in different cities of Mexico.

Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures. This year, more than 8,000 teens will see the world through the Youth Exchange program. As a Rotary Youth Exchange stu ...

Students may also like to consider combining a language course with a period of Work Placement. This provides participants with extra language practice, as well as enabling them to come to a deeper understanding of the culture, customs and way of life of ...

Perfect Way is a service agency that also places au pairs in jobs throughout Switzerland. Au pairs work 30 hours per week net and earn between 700 - 1000 Swiss francs per month depending on the age of the au pair and how many children the family has. Work ...

CIS, the Center for International Studies, prepares, provides and packages affordable opportunities and experiences to make students a part of the world and the world a part of them. Their programme locations are carefully selected to ensure that they are ...

Experiment-France offers high school students the opportunity to attend a French school and live with a host family. It's one of the best ways to become fluent in the language, to make friends and to explore the French school system and its social life. P ...

TANDEM Internationals highly qualified teachers offer English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish classes in small groups. Language courses at TANDEM schools range from general classes for all ages to highly specialized courses for professionals, as wel ...

MICATZ specializes in offering overseas volunteers affordable internship placements and also facilitates opportunities for individuals, students, groups, and gap year students. We also offer adventure holiday tours, wildlife programs, language and cultura ...