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The publishers of Verge magazine are pleased to announce that Verge will now be fulfilling all subscriptions to the venerable U.S.-based travel publication, Transitions Abroad magazine.
The line between "non-profit" and "for-profit" development organizations is becoming blurred. How will this affect overseas volunteers?
Understanding how to behave in a foreign land can save you time, money, and respect. It can also make the unfamiliar much less scary and much more humorous.  
Looking back over a decade of Verge.
What once started as a satirical, Ozzy fashion statement has become an international fundraising initiative generating millions.
Who would have thought that sky-diving is more relaxing than sun bathing, or hiking is more peaceful than a day at the spa?
Today is national coffee day! While you sip your decaf, non-fat soy latte, think about the fact that over 80 percent of Canadians drink coffee regularly, according to the Coffee Association of Canada, and in 2008 sales of coffee amounted to 16 percent of non-alcoholic beverage sales in Canada. So this just leaves the question: do you know where your coffee comes from?
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