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This Friday, Dec. 10 is International Human Rights Day - the day when the United Nations encourages the world to recognize human rights defenders and support the work they're doing to protect their rights and those of others. So what are you doing on Friday?
Kudos to Selena Rezvani, author of a book on women leaders, who wrote a piece for The Washington Post last week about the benefits and obstacles for women working abroad, specifically in the business world.
There seemed to be a flood of bad news for everyone at Verge on Monday. 
Travel writing is one of those professions that most people think is really cool, easy and fun - staying in fancy hotels or visiting exotic locales 24/7 and whipping up a quick article here and there - but it's actually one of the most misunderstood.
Should more gap year travellers and people taking a career break spend their time off volunteering at home? 
More than a whole third of UK gap-year travellers need to be financially bailed out by their parents. 
Little known fact: Studies show that just $1 invested today in disaster risk reduction saves $4 or more in the future cost of relief and rehabilitation. 
Once upon a time, academic institutions in the United States and Britain would pilfer all the talented students from around the world by offering a high-quality education and a wealth of job opportunities after graduation. 
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